Speaking of which, tung oil and lacquer do not mix! That's our chemistry lesson for the evening. Tung oil softens the lacquer, removing the nice smooth finish you've worked so hard to obtain. I suppose I could have read the directions on the tung oil can that said in big bold letters: Not recommended for use over existing finishes other than penetrating oils. But what fun would that be? At least now I know to mask the headstock or be very careful when I tung oil the neck. I'll be putting the label on and shooting clear lacquer over it first though.
No guitar work on Tuesday since it's Boy Scout night.
In the words of Freddie Prinze as Chico: "Looooking Good!"
I warned you about the raising of the ash grain on another forum :). One question though, the filler that you used, could you have added some type of pigment to the filler to acheive a more exxagerated pseudo-tiger stripe type effect on the ash?
It looks really good so far and thanks for the in-depth blog!
I don't know whether adding pigment would work or not. I think Reranch offers different fillers for different woods, some of which are darker to begin with. For some reason I can't get to the "Buy online" link on their site to be sure. It keeps asking for a userid and password. Very strange, for a retail site.
At any rate, I think the filler really only works in the area between the growth ring and the open field area, where I saw the low scratches or pits. That, or some of the spots on the end grain were the only places I could see any build up. They weren't very deep or long, so I don't think a darker filler would have made much difference.
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